Friday, April 25, 2014

Tempe Marquee Olympic Triathlon 2014 Race Report by Sue Meno

Marquee Olympic Race Report (to race or not to race this was the question!!) Sue Meno

First race of the season and as a "44" year old!  I was actually registered to race Leadman and was fairly ready for the distance, but the weekend before the race I was having really brutal lower back pain laying me flat on my back!  PT found my hip, pelvis and SI Joint.... all out of whack, I had it treated Monday and Wednesday.  I wasn't sure if I would be racing at all certainly not Leadman if anything it would be the Olympic.  I did very little in fact was off for 2 consecutive days then did a little swim, little bike and Thursday a little run not my normal race week!  On Saturday morning I decided I would give it a go and just race knowing I'm not in top form.

Race morning I followed normal routine:  Zone bar and a piece of PB&J toast with coffee then sipped water.  Set up bike and transition then went for a short run warm up with a few strides just to spike my hr a few times.  Before leaving transition I took 2 endurolytes knowing it was going to be a warm day with a later race start.  20 mins prior to swim I topped off with about 1/2 a gel as my stomach was not real calm!  Chatted with team mate Jennie waiting to get in the water then jumped in.  Great wave of girls we were all laughing waiting for our send off.  

Swim was fairly uneventful.  I have never really found a great pace for this distance my time was ok for my fitness level.  Things always get crowded toward the turn around buoy as we start to catch up to the waves in front of us!  It would be nice to be an earlier wave and have that wonderful clean water one day!!

T1 went fine at least I wasn't shooting blood out of my shin like SOMA last fall!  Off on the bike.  Things were fine on the bike typical Tempe course crowded and the winds picked up....  I guess I didn't read about the course as I was intending to race Leadman, so I was quite surprised when I finished the first loop and my Garmin was at 14 miles!  HHHMMMM this was going to be a longer bike than I anticipated no big deal.  I had a gel in case I wanted it, about 240 calories in my bottle, endurolytes, advil(yes I take this on the bike) and water with 2 electrolyte fizz tabs.  The Olympic race I don't need alot of calories and go strictly by what my body wants, no gel today.  I took in about 3/4 of my water (20 ounces), about 3/4 of my calorie bottle, 2 endurolytes and 1 advil.

T2 not my fastest to date as one shoe wasn't wanting to slide on quite right!  But off I went with some nerves not knowing how my back was going to respond.  I had an ok run for me, I was very conservative primarily out of fear and not wanting to walk away with my back flared up.  I took strictly water on the course thats all I wanted, could have really used one more aide station out there on the far end of the lake.  I did grab some coke at the last aide station because it sounded good, but it was hot ick!  As I started the last stretch of the run I could see a girl up ahead and thought she must be younger?  I always tell myself if you can see someone you better catch them and pass because if you don't and she ends up being in your division you will kick yourself in the butt(my theory if I can see you I can catch you)!  I surged ahead and was gaining fast when I saw 42 on her leg and was shocked,  then I recognized the kit and found it was my friend Nancy from the East Coast who was doing a relay!!!  I passed by with a quick hello and headed to the finish!

Good day I won the division and shared the podium with my Elite Teammate Jennie, we went 1&2!!  So much orange out on the course makes for a fun day full of cheers, smiles and encouragement!  Thank You ONE MULTISPORT and all our sponsors:  Endurance Rehab(my scraping friends!), Foosia Asia Fresh, Complete Skin Care Body Restoration, Destination Kona, Fuel to the Finish, Scottsdale Health Magazine, Power In Motion....  Another great race put on by Lifetime!

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