Zell Am See, Austria! Amazing, beautiful, challenging, exhausting! Ironman 70.3 World Championships was a wonderful experience!
Arriving in Zell Am See after a few flights and a drive meant 2 days of non-stop triathlon prep! Check in, bike pick up, finding our way around, walking to transition, packing transition bags, and trying to get some sleep!
We were surprised as we found our hotel and realized it was half way up a ski hill! I had to close my eyes as Dave drove up the road the first time! Meals had the best view in town and ended with sitting out on the deck!
NBC contacted me prior to heading to Austria to see if I was willing to share my story and be a highlighted athlete on race coverage. Years of speed skating, transition to running and triathlon, full time work, and our ongoing fight to Finish MS will be shared! This race was for all of those with MS as my mom was diagnosed in 2002. Her positive attitude, fighter attitude, and hope is one I was able to represent through this opportunity. It's never to late to help Finish MS!
Race morning was here! Coughing, sneezing, and a sore throat - this might be a rough day - but no choice but to do this! We found a hotel to get breakfast in near the race start then started the long walk to transition. Met the NBC crew and filled my tires up with air and was ready to go. I had to say goodbye to Dave 2 hours before the start and found a shaded grassy area to lay down in. Swim waves went off on time and water temperature was perfect! A non-eventful swim had me feeling positive getting out of the water Transition area was long and the sun was getting stronger and made the transition tent really hot!
Race morning was here! Coughing, sneezing, and a sore throat - this might be a rough day - but no choice but to do this! We found a hotel to get breakfast in near the race start then started the long walk to transition. Met the NBC crew and filled my tires up with air and was ready to go. I had to say goodbye to Dave 2 hours before the start and found a shaded grassy area to lay down in. Swim waves went off on time and water temperature was perfect! A non-eventful swim had me feeling positive getting out of the water Transition area was long and the sun was getting stronger and made the transition tent really hot!
Bike ride - Downhill: Hold on and pedal. Uphill: Steep, unrelenting, shady, high heart rate, wishing I had another gear. Downhill: STEEP, arm cramps from braking, thankful not to get run over. Last few miles: Stay positive, Dave sighting! Can I put my bike on the transition rack yet? Ok I made it!
Run - First few miles easy, get the run legs under you. Shocked at the first water station! Was like a Boston marathon aid station: spectators, music, about 6 inches of cups on the road, and the most amazing feeling! It was then that I realized I could push it harder. Quick turn over, keep dumping water on me, honey stinger (felt awesome on my throat!), Dave!, keep running. Running is my strength and every race when I get to run I always tell myself 'I got this - now run your ass off.'
Finish area: Loud, confetti, Dave!, crowds, and the finish line! 'Let the happiness in' was the race theme and when I crossed that finish line I knew that was the perfect motto for the day!
After a long time I finally found Dave and we collapsed on the sidewalk for an hour before walking back to transition. I ended up laying down half way to transition then again when we were waiting in line to drop my bike off! Thankfully Dave is patient and just sat with me as I tried to determine if I could move again!
Off to Salzburg we went! Sick, exhausted, but still a lot of sightseeing to do!
Thank you to the following people who helped me get to world championships which allowed me to share my passion for Finishing MS!
Dave for your endless support, patience, nutrition, and excitement!
My family for always understanding my passion as we Finish MS together!
My friends who share in the excitement and fun of our adventures!
One Multisport & One Elite for the opportunity to represent you this year and the amazing group of people that make up the best team in Arizona!
Karen Smyers for your training plans, guidance, and support. There is always a silver lining!
Endurance Rehab & Karen for making it possible for me to continue to do triathlons.
Destination Kona & Pei Wei for supporting ONE Elite and providing me on the go nutrition for lunches and racing!
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